Certified Pre-Owned Home Program

A Certified Pre-Owned Home is ready for a buyer and closes faster and with fewer contingencies. Participating in the Certified Pre-Home Program allows you to sell your home knowing that you have identified any potential problems a home inspector may find and remedy them prior to listing. Additionally, you can offer a buyer the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that if a problem arises with their new home within the first year of ownership, their warranty will cover the cost of the repairs.

Homes selling as “Certified” have a real advantage over their competition by taking the worry of the unknown out of the transaction. Imagine the confidence that comes with knowing an inspection post-offer will not negatively affect the sale of your home. You are left in a position to obtain the best possible price for your home!!

Competitive advantages that help you sell your home:

  • Pre-Inspected

    Don’t let a sale fall through because your buyer picked a horrible inspector

  • Repairs Made

    Fix the obvious issues before they become an issue that scares away a buyer

  • Home Warranty

    Provide an warranty insurance policy to cover the older items and take away a buyer’s worries

  • Certified

    Let buyers know this is a worry free purchase

  • Eliminate Surprises

    It’s always best to fix an issue before it becomes a deal breaking problem


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