Instant Offer Program (Jim buys it now)

For some folks, our aggressive Hassle Free Listing or Guaranteed Sale programs just aren’t fast or convenient enough. There are tons of reasons why you may not want to go through the time-consuming process of selling your home. It takes a lot of energy. With the “Instant Offer” option, Jim will make a speedy offer on your property, saving you the hassle of showings, appraisals, grueling home inspections, repairs, and uncertainties. Plus, you don’t pay a commission.

When you use our Instant Offer, Jim Fulgenzi will make you an offer within 4 days. This will consider your home’s location, condition and appeal as well as what is involved in getting it sold.

We are not the average investor looking to make a fortune in your property. We make a competitive offer on your home right away, based upon costs and yes some profit, but not a killing. At the same time we will also provide a suggested list price if you want to sell traditionally. It’s the best of both worlds.

Transparent Speedy Results:

  • Peace of Mind

    Eliminate the uncertainty & stress when you sell

  • Any condition!

    You don’t have to worry about repairs and updates

  • Speedy

    You can have your cash in as soon as 2 weeks.

  • Fair Pricing

    You will know in 96 hours what you will sell for.


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