Our Hassle Free Listing

If traditional methods of selling homes appeals to you, we can handle that too!! This is the most traditional approach to selling your home. However, unlike the real estate agent of old, we don’t just rely on the MLS to sell your home!

We build a complete, custom and detailed Marketing Plan that is included as part of a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) that outlines the methods we have proven to be successful when it comes to selling homes. Your custom CMA will outline what marketing systems we have in place at every stage of selling your home.

We spend over $11,700 a month to get maximum exposure. Sources of most buyers:

  • 92% Buyers Search Online

    The overwhelming majority of potential home buyers are looking for homes online. We put you in front of them

  • Top Buyer’s Agents in Our Marketplace

    We have the top buyers agents in the Springfield Area

  • Referrals

    We Have Referrals From Major Employers in the Area

  • Multiple Advertising Mediums

    We target potential buyers multiple ways: direct mail, radio & online

  • Potential Buyers on Deck

    We have access to an Out of Town Buyers’ Referral Network


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